Home / Jacob Luttrell 2019 Special Olympics
The All Sports Association proudly recognizes Jacob Luttrell as the recipient of this year’s Special Olympics Athlete Award. The son of Seth and Laura Luttrell of Shalimar, Jacob is an amazing young man and athlete. His dedication, passion, and athletic achievements are a source of pride for our community. Jacob moved to Florida with his family in 2012, and to Shalimar in 2014. He was involved with Special Olympics in California as early as 2007, participating in softball and track and field. His participation in Special Olympics continues in Florida, where he enjoys golf, bowling, basketball, track and field, flag football, and soccer. Jacob has especially enjoyed his involvement with the Okaloosa County Special Olympics, under the direction of Pam Sparks. In 2015, Jacob began working at Shalimar Pointe Golf Club as an Outdoor Services Specialist. His unusual work ethic, dependability, personality, and love for the game of golf quickly made him a favorite of members and guests, for whom he always has a warm smile.
JACOB LUTTRELL Playing GolfgJacob represented Okaloosa County last year in the Special Olympics State competition in golf, basketball, bowling, and flag football. He then qualified in golf for the Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle, Washington, which was televised on ESPN
Jacob won an individual skills Gold Medal at Nationals — a proud moment for him, his family, and our entire community. It doesn’t get any better than that! When Jacob is not competing or working at the Golf Club, he spends time with his friends at Shalimar United Methodist Church, where he participates in service projects with his group, “Special Buddies.” He also loves fishing, and is always on the lookout for the next “whopper.” Because of his passion for sports, his dedication and hard work, we’re proud to present the All Sports Special Olympics Award for 2019 to Jacob Luttrell.
Through the efforts of our annual banquet & summer golf tournament, we help fund numerous worthwhile sports organizations & charitable causes. Our primary beneficiaries are the Boys & Girls Club of the Emerald Coast, Special Olympics Florida- Okaloosa, Eleanor J. Johnson Youth Center and Okaloosa Walton FCA.