All Sports Association Steak Night

October 15-  All Sports Association’s Steak Night

All Sports Association, community leaders and businesses came together to raise funds for organizations that support youth in our community.  Organizations directly benefiting from the night’s event were the Emerald Coast Boys and Girls Club and the Eleanor J. Johnson Youth Center.  Youth from both organizations were in attendance and  each were the “special guests” to be commended for their involvement in both organizations.  Each contribute in a special way.

The Eleanor J. Johnson Youth Center took this occasion to announce and recognize two youth from the club as Boy and Girl of the year.  The Boy Of The Year- Curtis Jarrett and Girl Of The Year- Iyanna Miles were recognized.  A full bio on each is included in the Event Program.

Attendees heard from special guest speaker Sheriff Larry Ashley. Sheriff Ashley presented a compelling speech guiding the youth and reminding them to stay focused on what’s important.

Attendees also heard from Executive Director of Eleanor J. Johnson Youth Center, Todd Gatlin. Todd spoke about the value the center brings not only to the children who attend the youth center but also to the community at large.  The center plays an instrumental role and helping guide and direct youth that may otherwise be at risk.

To see more event photos see our photo albums here- Photos


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