Fagundes Back in Big 12 Conference

Joe Fagundes with Coach Steve Spurrier at the College Football Awards Show Welcome Dinner at the Georgia Aquarium (photo Wuerffel Trophy)

Wuerffel Trophy News

After taking a couple of seasons off to lead the All Sports Association as president, Joe Fagundes is returning as Big 12 Conference Representative.

Fagundes replaces Sarah Gates who moves to the PAC-12 conference after a stellar run in the Big 12, securing 9 out of a possible 10 nominations in both 2015 and 2016.

“I am excited to be working with the Big 12 once again after two years away and serving as All Sports Association president,” said Fagundes.  “I look forward to working with the Big 12 universities and SIDs to continue the tradition of finalists and winners of the Wuerffel Trophy from the conference,” he added.

The Big 12 has produced 3 winners of the Wuerffel Trophy; Sam Acho of Texas (2010) along with Gabe Ikard (2013) and Ty Darlington (2015) of Oklahoma.

Fagundes can be reached at (850)699-7047 or by email at jfagundes777@gmail.com.

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