Honoring Ron Balicki, A Scholar and a True Gentleman

All Sports 2016 Hall of Fame Inductee and 1984 Col Al Byrne Award Recipient’s Name Lives On

It’s great to see where college golf is today, seemingly getting bigger all the time. Ron Balicki, who spent 30 years covering the college game for Golfweek, is one of the folks who made it all possible.

That’s why Golfweek is tickled to announce that the fist Ron Balicki Scholarship will be awarded for the Spring 2018 semester, given to a college university student at the undergraduate or graduate level or high school journalist pursuing a career in journalism.

“He worked hard to tell the world about the great things happening in college golf, and he made countless friends in the process,” Mike Holder, the legendary coach from Oklahoma state who is now the school’s athletic director, said after Balicki’s passing in April 2014.  “He made all of us look forward to each issue of Golfweek to find out what was happening in our sport.”

More information for candidates can be found at: http://collegiategolf.com/misc/ron-balicki-scholarship-2579.html.


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