Letter to our Sponsors

President: William Thomas
Past President: Steve Boswell
President Elect: Chad Hamilton
Vice President: Kevin Locht
Treasurer: Coy Browning
Secretary: Joey Crews
Board of Directors
Don Amunds
Jason Legg
Sam Burkett
Bill Kuhn
Parliamentarian: Lee Lewis

December 2011

Dear Friend of the All Sports Association:

The All Sports Association is an organization dedicated to contributing the time and effort to raise money for local youth-oriented non-profit organizations with an emphasis on their sports programs. Last year’s annual All Sports Banquet was an overwhelming success. Because of the local community’s support of the All Sports Banquet, the All Sports Association was able to contribute well over $100,000.00 to the local YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Special Olympics and various other youth sports projects.

This coming year’s events will be held on Thursday February 16th and Friday February 17th, 2012. By sponsoring the Banquet, you will enjoy two days of great entertainment, good food, fellowship with friends, as well as access to local and national sports celebrities. In addition, you will help ensure that the youth in our community continue to have programs and facilities that foster their growth as athletes and good citizens.

As you will recall, this past February we were fortunate to have Jim Kelly, the Hall of Fame Quarterback from the University of Miami and the Buffalo Bills to keynote the Banquet. Over the past few months I have been working to find a speaker that would be recognizable to our community, a dynamic and interesting speaker who will provide a memorable and lasting message. I am pleased to announce that Nick Saban, the Head Football Coach for the University of Alabama, has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the Banquet. You can be sure Coach Saban will deliver an outstanding speech with a message that will entertain us and encourage the youth in the community.

Of course, we will continue our longstanding tradition of recognizing outstanding athletes from our local community as well as the tireless supporters and volunteers who ensure our young athletes’ success. We will be presenting our Male and Female Scholastic awards, our Amateur, Professional, and Special Olympian awards. The very prestigious Al Byrne Award recognizing an individual who has contributed a lifetime of volunteerism in our community will also be a highlight of the Banquet along with the presentation of the 7th annual Wuerffel Trophy Award. Named for local football standout and Heisman Trophy winner Danny Wuerffel, the Wuerffel Trophy recognizes the college football player who best combines exemplary community service with athletic and academic achievement. Our only national award, the Wuerffel Trophy continues to gain recognition and acceptance in college football circles and is often referred to as the “Humanitarian Heisman”. The winner of the Wuerffel Trophy this year is Barrett Jones, a junior offensive lineman from the University of Alabama. Barrett exemplifies exactly what the Wuerffel Trophy is all about; an outstanding athlete of faith who excels in the classroom while serving the community with a resume as impressive as his football achievements.

We always appreciate the opportunity to welcome and work with new sponsors. Our sponsors are our VIPs, the “engine” that helps our youth beneficiary organizations keep running. As such, we honor you accordingly by providing an outstanding sponsor package to include: 2 Fellowship of Christian Athletes/Corporate Sponsor Breakfast tickets, 2 players in the Golf Outing, 5 fish fry tickets, 5 tickets to the VIP reception/social before the Banquet, a Priority table with 10 seats at the banquet, recognition in the Banquet program, a sponsorship plaque and collector’s edition coin of this year’s Wuerffel Trophy winner.

Last year we started a new custom at the Fish Fry, available only to Corporate Sponsors; a guest speaker. Mack Brown, the Head Football Coach for the University of Texas was a speaker. He spoke and then answered questions for an hour. It was a great meal as well as an entertaining and informative get-together for all. This year the speaker will be Steve Garvey, the ten-time All Star first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He may also participate in the Golf Outing prior to the Fish Fry. He is a great speaker who can speak about World Series experiences and his life in baseball. We think things are lining up for everyone to enjoy a great Fish Fry.

If you are interested in being a sponsor, please review the attached sponsor contract and kindly return it to:

The All Sports Association,
P. O. Box 2591,
Fort Walton Beach FL 32549.
Your 2012 sponsorship is guaranteed when we receive your contract with a postmark on or before January 29, 2012. If you have questions, please contact myself or our Sponsors Committee Chairman Ralph Frangioni at (850) 585-9839 or by email at rkfrangi@cox.net.

Again, thank you for considering support of the All Sports Association. Your support will help insure the success of the worthy youth programs and will be greatly appreciated throughout the community.

Best regards,
William Thomas
President 2011-2012

Sponsorship Application

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